February 16, 2025

Kris Kristofferson by Fans, for Fans

In appreciation of the Silver Tongued Devil

Jaime Cothron

Jaime Cothron

Why Me? When Jaime sings this song, to him, it’s like a prayer. He tells us about how he came to appreciate Kris Kristofferson.

I was in my teens back in the late 1960s when I first come to really know who Kris was. People have told me all my life that I look like him.

I was a trucker for over 40 years.

Dodge Lorry Red Truck Vintage Truck Wagon – Stock image

Auto -Autographs

People would see me in truck stops and ask me for my autograph – I’d sign Jaime Cothron give it back.

When they read it and said, “THAT’S NOT KRIS KRISTOFFERSON!”, I’d tell them “I’m not either.”


I’ve had some fun with impersonating him. A lot of people say that I sound like him. He’s a great person and I hope to be able to meet him if he is ever in the North Central Florida area, as I live in the Gainesville, Ocala area.

Keep me updated if and when you hear that he’s coming down this way.

I love Kris’ music, movies, all that he has done. I admire and appreciate, and respect him as a great human being.

 I love the song and the man that wrote it. That’s a prayer song for me. I hope that people will be blessed by it and that JESUS will be lifted up

Jaime Cothron – After singing Why Me.


Truck pic is CC

2 thoughts on “Jaime Cothron

  1. I love that song, why me lord.
    I’ve heard many gospel songs but non touched my heart like Krises one did. My sister,and I try tyo sing it and I just ca t get past the first 2 verse and can’t carry on.
    I wish I could thank him for Why me Lord before he’s gone. Thank you Mr. Kristofferson
    Thank you.

    1. Thanks for your comment. A fan in our group said that if Kris had only written Why Me and nothing else, that that one song would have been enough of a contribution because of the impact it has had on so many people on a deeply personal level. I have some idea of how you feel.

      Kris is such a down to earth man that he honestly seems surprised and a little embarrassed almost when anyone tries to thank him for…anything, but the sheer love from fans that floods from the audience and onto the stage is tangible and perhaps … he knows that he is appreciated. I hope so.

      Bless your heart for your kindness. This song is special – Perhaps gratitude finds its own expression even when we can’t use words?

      Best regards,


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