Kris Kristofferson : Belfast Waterfront 2018
The concert at the Belfast Waterfront 2018 was a friendly warm event that took place on 26 June.
Merchandise: There were reports that tour had run out of merchandise at a few venues earlier on in the tour. It was available at Belfast Watefront and included the offering of signed photographs.
Great – they were available because it meant that everyone had a chance to get one
Less Great – the price, £20 – I don’t know if this was an extra, or part of a fundrasing.
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Regarding the above –
While other venues have typically been very accomodating about allowing fans to take pictures, this venue was especially strict. it is unclear as to whether was because photographs were on sale, or whether it is part of a general policy that is actively zealously enforced at the venue.
Norman Nabney did mange to get a few pictures without being evicted before realising that the pic police were serious about enforcing the law. Some fans attend a few gigs on the same tour, so were not expecting the unusual rigidity regarding fan snaps here.
By all accounts, a great time was had by all – These snaps are all the more precious because of their rarity (!) and the ingenuity that led to their capture and keep 🙂
Pictures by Norman Nabney.
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