February 16, 2025

Kris Kristofferson by Fans, for Fans

In appreciation of the Silver Tongued Devil

Damn Right : Here comes that Rainbow


John Buckley is Damn Right on

Kris, Cash u0026amp; Chasing Rainbows

I immediately fell in love with Loving Her Was Easier on hearing Kris sing it – without even knowing that he’d also written Me and Bobby, Sunday Morning, Help Me Make it through  – All of which I knew per verbatim before I’d ever heard Loving Her.

After I’d heard the latter, I asked an older, wiser man if he’d ever heard it or of Kristofferson and he listed all the aforementioned songs and more, making me look like a complete fool.

Well, I was about 9.

A few years later I heard some interview, on the Irish radio, with Kris, saying he didn’t really write that one, that he just organized it. He was talking about, ‘Here Comes That Rainbow Again’. Johnny Cash is on record of saying that it was his favorite song. Figure that! Cash must have sung at least sang 5,000 different songs in his career – Conservative estimate!


When you say that Kris could write anything you’re damn right.

Taking lines that were spoken in a scene from ‘The Grapes of Wrath’, adding just a few linkers, and putting those lines into lyrics; powerful, emotional verse to music that had such a powerful effect on the great Johnny Cash, and me, just confirms Kristofferson’s pure genius as a wordsmith.

One truck driver called to the waitress
After the kids went outside
Them candies ain’t two for a penny
So what’s it to you, she replied
In silence, they finished their coffee
Got up and nodded goodbye
She called, hey, you left too much money
So what’s it to you, they replied 

Credits / Sources

Here Comes the Rainbow Again – Lyrics by Kris Kristofferson

Editorial © John Buckley, 12 December 2018

Image is Royalty Free

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