I didn’t mind the movie but I don’t understand why it included none of Kris’s songs. When you make a movie about writing and singing music and your leading man is the greatest songwriter in the history of the English language you should have the sense to make use of that. It could have been so much better. Peter Booth
- Kris kristofferson is so cool, loved him in a Star is Born – with Barbara Streisand – Loved it. Vicki Riley
- So cool. When I met Kris Kristofferson in Poway I asked him about Star is Born and Barbra Streisand and he said and I quote ,” Barbra Streisand is a classy woman and she took my career to another level ” Kris Kristofferson himself. – Hans Jensen
- They could never duplicate that original movie it was wonderful I watch it often – Shirley Dolezal Heaghney (It is OUR original!)
- Totally agree with You Dolly. Difference between Movie and Masterpiece is Huge! Frank Greally
- Bradley and Gaga did a movie. Kris and Barbra created a masterpiece. I love them in this movie. It is a timeless piece. I have a dear friend who loved the new “version” but she is a Gaga fan and I am not. This is the first time she and I have not agreed on something. Dolly Price
- What Valerie and Pk said!! Exactly my thoughts and opinions!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Diana Shabbick Nichols
- Even though I love watching Kris in the 1976 movie, I don’t think it was a brilliant film. I haven’t seen the new one yet but there’s no doubt in my mind Lady GaGa makes it amazing. Virginia Wilson
- I loved the Bradley Cooper and Gaga movie, and the music from it as well, however, I tell everyone my favourite version of this movie is and always will be the Kris Kristofferson version. Kris played that part so well. I own the movie and have watched it so many times over the years! Pk Genesky
- It was s great film, but it was not A Star Is Born as filmed with Kris and Barbra as I know it. But I am a big KK fan, so what do I know. Valerie Valerie
- Could have been 30 minutes shorter. Cindy Roets
- A Star is Born – The movie created many lifetime fans for Kris Kristofferson. What do they think about the latest remake?
- Tina Stapelfeldt’s review of the 2018 release is found here
- I enjoyed the movie, it is nice that every generation gets their own version of the movie. There are some really good songs in it and it’s cool that Lukas Nelson wrote some of them. I covered a song from this movie on my YouTube channel.- Boris Van Echelpoel
- Ooooh he is so sexy. Look at him and Barbara Streisand in a Star is Born Jenny de Villiers
- I loved Kris, in my early days, I used to play his song Sunday morning coming down, don’t do much now though – Dianne Williams
Very interesting. Now I HAVE to watch the first two ASIB movies. That would be a neat discussion. LOL – Barbara Livieri
- Wish we could have had Kris with Judy Garland! – Dawn Vincent
- Loved it and all 4 were great with no comparison. A testament of time. – Lita Didge Macasieb Wilcox
- I have watched the star is born with Kris and Barbra a billion times! I saw the new one with Bradley and Lady Gaga, I enjoyed the movie and even though the storyline was similar I did not compare the two films to me they were very different.I think her voice is phenomenal and she did a great acting job because the part she played was very different from who she is. However, that being said unlike our Star Is Born when I left the theater I did not think about the movie again! – Sheila Tatar
- Loved the Kris version, liked the GaGa version…Kris and Barbra had much more chemistry!!? Kathleen Grantz
- That may have been because for a while they were an item, so there was real chemistry there! Loved that movie….. S Shirley Stasey
- Saw both. Kris one is my favorite movie in the world! Like the new one and loved the music but the only thing they have in common is the storyline! Also!! Shout out to Lukas Nelson! – Barb Turney Hayward
Cannot compare, Kris was the best! – Rita Nardone TomassianUnfair to try and compare the two movies. I found no connection whatsoever……. -Ammari Lotz
- There is a condition which I call a Retrospective Illusion. This is manifest when one listens to a new arrangement of a song or watches the new version of a movie. The normal, automatic, reaction is one of rejection caused by being overly attached to the version one has known and loved for so long. No matter if the new versions are better.
Peace! 🙂 – Don Clarke - Kris Kristofferson was the second choice for that movie initially they wanted Elvis Presley in that part – Dennis Tassin (Reply to this) – Glad they got Kris – Cheri Fluck Further comment – Very interesting this information, but the movie was filmed in 1976 and Elvis Presley died in 1977 – What was the reason why Elvis Presley was not the protagonist? -Gustavo Moreno A I love Elvis but Kris was the perfect person for that part. I think – Nancy Teter Tassin
- A Star Is Born (1976) Official Trailer – Barbra Streisand, Kris Kristofferson Movie HD – Gustavo Moreno A
- Torch still goes to Barbra and Kris in my opinion – Robin Lockwood
- I have seen it and loved it. Brad and Lady G did an excellent job of keeping it real with a lot of respect for Kris and Barbra. Brad did an amazing job of not trying to be “Kris” and Lady G left Barbra in the dust – Patricia Cuttler Hilton
- Good reviews, I would never see it because ASTAR is Born is KRIS, No one else could ever play that part in my eyes anyway – Zoe Salem
- Loved it, emotional but fun. They both did a great job❤️❤️ -Lonny Clark
- A Star is Born has been remade 4 or 5 times Judy Garland’s 1954 version is best known – Daniel Hoyt
- I don’t even connect the two. They are so different. I enjoyed the remake but I never got attached to the characters – Dallas Smith Dixon
- I don’t want to see the remake I will save the memories of the original – Cheri Fluck
- I watched the new ASIB with Bradley Cooper and Lady GaGa. Very good and well made movie. I even felt as though I might cry. But I didn’t….I have tears only for Kris.? – Melanie Williams
- I have seen them both, and like the remakes before, each one put its own spin on the rising female star vs the self-destructive downward sliding male mentor, fraught with drug and or alcohol abuse. 1976 version – I have never been a big Barbra fan, but can fully appreciate her singing talent. That said, I thought she or the writers could have done better with the music. I thought the music was horrible, except Evergreen. That I like (and the recording scene was… oh my…). The rest, not so much. And I didn’t think much of her acting up until the end… we all know what “the end” means. That’s when I saw some real great acting from her. The rest peewwww. She played the same character in just about every movie. Now Kris on the other hand, I thought he was fantastic. He played the rebel a-hole self destructive rock God to a T. He was also able to show his tender side and god, was he gorgeous! Sorry, not sorry. I would have loved to see it go another way, but then, what’s the point of the movie?2018 version – I gotta say, I loved this one too! I love Brad Cooper. Not a fan of Gaga’s music, but definitely a fan of her singing and playing. More so than I was of Barbra’s music. But she stole the movie. She was fantastic!! And Brad was fantastic. He changed things up a bit from the earlier version but kept the same premise. The music was great. I actually like the songs that came out of it. And of course Brad is also gorgeous but I think they could have let him wash his hair a few times. Way too greasy. Even drunk/high people take showers occasionally. LOL Great supporting actors too, just a great movie. Loved it. Final thoughts, YES, see the new one. Yes, it’s worth it. No it’s not the same and it’s ok to love them both. They’re like children or pets. No two alike and you love them both because of it. And I think Brad and Gaga were robbed of their just rewards at the Golden Globes. Shame on the Hollywood Foreign Press. ? ~Barbara Livieri
- I hate they remade it. This movie is very special to me. I discovered Kris when I watched it for the first time – Kathy Descoteau
- I loved this (new) version as much if not more than the version with Streisand and Kristofferson. What did you think? Except for the original they were all remakes. Bradley also produced this one as well as his Directorial Debut. This was the 4th version. There was the original in 1937, then a remake in 1954, another remake in 1976 w/ Kris and Babs and now this one in 2018 – Seems each version was contemporary for its time! This one surprised me too! Fab acting! – Wendy Elkin
- Love this (new) version but still love the one Kris is in most – Dee Gaulding
- Today I saw the new A Star is Born with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. I went in fairly skeptical and did not expect to be impressed.
I was wrong. Bradley Cooper is VERY good in his role but Lady Gaga was outstanding. Unlike Barbra, she is a generous actress—giving and not just basking in the limelight. The story line was similar but also different, if that makes sense. The music was excellent as well.
But the film lacked one major element. Kris Kristofferson. There’s just no one who compares, in my opinion, in portraying the tortured, flawed John Norman.
In a perfect world, I would have loved to see Lady Gaga play opposite Kris in the movie, but that’s just a fantasy.
The ‘76 version is still my favorite version, but don’t hesitate to see this latest remake. Very well performed – Susan McDonald Lenihan
- Ok ..I went to watch A Star is Born ….The one with Kris is BETTER….this new one was good …but the one with Kris was AWESOME – Florence Thomas
- Thank you, I have been a huge fan of Barbra Streisand since the sixties, so of course i saw ASIB and owned the dvd, I also became a fan of Kris, loved him ever since – Amanda Clarke
- I cannot see what all the hype is over the new updated version of A Star is Born. I got nothing from it / Yes, I had a really hard time getting into it. I was not impressed at all with it. Me and my friend were looking so forward to seeing it and we were just really disappointed and really confused as the ratings were so highly given about it.
Oh well, times have changed and classics are just as they are …classic 😉 – Robin Lockwood - Doug McKenna – 17 October 2018 So I saw “A Star Is Born”. My opinion? Well, frankly, it’s OUTSTANDING. The film that is. My opinion is just my opinion. I expected the film to be good. I didn’t expect it to be as good as it is. It is near flawless. Great performances. Heart felt and real. Good story. Familiar? Yes. Effective? Yes. Confident, controlled directing by Bradley Cooper captures and cajoles marvelous moments all through out the movie. The music is very good and some of the songs pay homage to ones performed in the 70’s version with Barbara Streisand and Kris Kristofferson. Mr. Cooper can really sing–shades of Jeff Bridges in “Crazy Heart”—and Lady Gaga knocks it out of the park. The earnest vulnerability of these 2 lead actors, as well as the equally wonderful Sam Elliott and Andrew Dice Clay, is heart wrenching and totally satisfying Satisfying is the word for this film. I believe that all who see this film will be satisfied and those of us who are fans of the Streisand/ Kristofferson film will be as satisfied with this version as we possibly can be. Really, truly outstanding. – Doug, out!
- Just came back from seeing A Star is Born starring Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga. I still say that no one will ever do that part better than Kris. But Bradley came close… he was excellent as a rock star falling apart due to drugs and alcohol. This movie did not play up the sex scenes or develop quite the sexual chemistry as the Kris and Barbara version, but their emotional connection was still very obvious and real. However, Lady Gaga blew Barbara Streisand out of the water. I always thought Barbara was a little over the top in ASIB and didn’t really connect with her character all that much – and I remember thinking she “hogged” the scenes from Kris and made the movie mainly about her…. NOT so with Bradley Cooper/Lady Gaga version. Both held their own. I was emotionally on the edge of my seat throughout the entire movie – I felt the rise, and the fall…. It was believable. And the music was fantastic. Kudos to Lucas Nelson and Jason Isbell, along with Bradley Cooper/Lady Gaga for absolutely wonderful lyrics, melodies, and putting it all together. Love the movie. Rate it 5 stars and will probably see it a few more times to catch the things I missed…..
I also did not feel like Bradley was trying to play Kris . . . though their characters were similar characters, I didn’t feel like he was trying to copy what Kris had done. He had his own take on it . . .- Lisa Wisnoski Robbins
- Bradley looks like he needs a good scrub. He’s a hit miss (and he grew up in the town where I brought up my kids, where The Goldbergs lived) – Helen Marie
- The year was 1976. I was 17 years old….the movie was everything I needed…the man the music the clothes. I am a romantic forever. Watched that movie so many times from video to DVD and it is still my go to when I need something special. Still want to Buildt that house………. – Almari Lotz
- Went to see the remake today. OMG! It couldn’t compare in My eyes. I don’t know if I am so attached to kris and Barbra in that movie, but really, it was just ok. Now, I know people who went to see it who never saw the others and they raved about this one. I said if you saw the other one, you may feel differently. Theirs was a true love story and the music told the story. This one, the characters? As I said, maybe it was just me… but truly didn’t even cry. I still cry with John Norman and Esther. Bradley and Gaga had no real chemistry. Wondering your thoughts. There will never be another John Norm and Esther. Now I’m feeling a bit crazy! – Donna Piergallini
- I love the movie and my daughter and I always start crying before he gets in the car because we know what is going to happen.We have watched it a few times and always cry.When my granddaughter was around 14yrs.old,she said she never would cry over a movie so later I asked her if she wanted to watch A Star Is Born and she said okay.When he wrecks,I look at her and she is bawling.I bought the movie,so we can watch when we want to – Phyllis Strickland Hamilton
- Actually, though I love the version with Kris and Barbara, it was actually a remake as well! There were two other versions of “A Star is Born”’ one in 1937 and another in 1954 with Judy Garland and James Mason! I have no idea what the new version will be like! – Loyd Hutchison
- Nothing like Kris ! Don’t care how many remakes ! Rita Nardone Tomassian
- I love the movie and my daughter and I always start crying before he gets in the car because we know what is going to happen.We have watched it a few times and always cry.When my granddaughter was around 14yrs.old,she said she never would cry over a movie so later I asked her if she wanted to watch A Star Is Born and she said okay.When he wrecks,I look at her and she is bawling.I bought the movie,so we can watch when we want to – Phyllis Strickland Hamilton
- I have the vhs tape…and just rented it on dvd to watch again 976 …Every Saturday for 8 weeks …I went to the cinema to see it – Florence Thomas
- No ONE CAN EVER REPLACE KRIS u0026amp; BARBARA!!!! – Shelva J Wood
- One of his best movies SORRY this new one will not even come close to the one by Kris and Barbara – Lise Allard
- The remake will be a flop – Joey Lee Sinavage
- I don’t think I can bring myself to watch the new film. I am a totally devoted Kris fan and have been for many years. I have a copy of his Star is Born and have watched it so much and yet never tire of it – Martha Kaul
- Looking forward to seeing the NEW Star is born, just to see what they do with it. However, A Star is Born is and will always be my ALL TIME favorite movie. I can watch it over and over again, which I have at times. The sound track tells such a love story, and I can’t imagine anyone but Kris and Barbra playing those roles!!! Sad and sacrificing ending. Selfish on his part and loving all in the same breath…Just loved it!! Was thrilled when they put it on Netflix this summer! However, will the new one stand up to the old one? Will it have that UMPH? Time will tell…. Donna Piergallini
- No couple will ever replace Kris and Barbra in any remake of ASIB, I agree. My ALL TIME favorite movie (that one is easy, can’t pick a favorite song, though). But I have to say the trailer for this remake seemed good to me…he’s a sexy guy, she’s a great performer and vocalist (IMHO) and I thought they also had good chemistry. Emily Gmitter
Gaga & Bradley, good! I’ve watched their version twice, I think. Barbara & Kris, magical! Watching their version again (right now) for the 100th time (a slight exaggeration). I like everything about the 76 version better – The music, the story, “the ending” so dramatic, and, Kris was a rockstar god in this movie!!!!!!
Hi Ellen, I could not agree more with you – Any exaggeration from my side is likely to be very slight 🙂 Kris WAS John Norman in this film, nobody else could have done it in my opinion. Wonderful to hear from from – Kris’ fans are almost always lovely people in their own right, too. I’ll share your comment on this film with the others – We have a group on Facebook which you might belong to already
Best wishes to you & your family for the year ahead. Regards, Donna