1980s Kris Kristofferson Socks

Tour Tales – A collection of stories from the road that are worth saving and sharing
Ivan posted this clip in our group. He said, “What follows is 15 minutes of pure magic: Willie Nelson and Kris Kristofferson singing in a segment of Hee Haw (a program of CBS from the 1970s). First Willie sings, then comes Kris, and in the end, they sing a duet.”
It reminded Emily of a time back in the 1980’s. Her response is worth sharing.
Kris Kristofferson Socks – A Tour Tale 1980s
So good to see this old clip, with Stephen, Billy, Sammy Creason, and “The Ghost” (Tommy McClure)….miss those guys. This brings up another good memory, re Loved Her Right Down to Her Socks. Kris would tell that story when he sang it at concerts (’80s) and after we’d heard it the first time, my “compadres” and I wanted to do something fun related to it.
So we went shopping.
The next show, when he got to that line “He loved her right down to her socks–and no further,” up into the air went about 10 wiggling female feet, all covered in different neon-colored socks with crazy patterns! We were right up front next to the stage (seats we were usually fortunate to get), and Kris, Stephen, and Billy got a great kick out of that…smiles wider than a country mile…in fact, as I recall, I think they laughed their way into the next line!
You’ll find other stories unders Fanmail , Fan Pics and Vids, or browse the site.
Image is copyright, N Nabney & is not from the gig being spoken about

That’s a great memory, Emily. Thanks for sharing! ❤️